Got me thinking about my "Stair" on Oxgangs Ave, number 2. The families I can re-call in Stair 2 are:
The Kellocks - Neil (that's me) brothers Willie and Graeme.
Miss Hood, the old spinster who live opposite us on the ground floor.
The Strachans, can't re-call all the kids but there was a David and a couple of Strachan girls.
The Burns, I think Irene and John were the Burns kids.
Lynn Steer or Mitchell.
I'm missing some here but it's who comes to mind so far.
Response: Neil, Possibly a little before you, but the McFarlanes used to live opposite at 2/1-Colin played football etc with my peers-he had an attractive younger sister called Linda. Above you lived the Mutch family with the Burns' opposite. Stephen Westbrook lived at 2/6 with his younger sister Gillian and older sister Connie. Was it Jacqueline Purvis (or similar) who stayed at 2/7? The Bonds-Phyllis, Robert and Helen lived at 2/8. I have a good story (unprintable!) about Robert after a visit to the polo fields at Dreghorn to watch Hearts at pre-season training. My brother Iain seems to recall your brother Willie who worked at Ferrantis like many others.
ps Lynn Steer was my sister Anne's best friend for many years. She was a real character and a very bright girl-I well recall her David Bowie phase-or perhaps it wasn't a phase!