Whenever I'm in the capital and pass through Oxgangs it is very busy in terms of the car traffic, but it always seems quiet with very few children out playing. In the 1960s we very rarely stayed inside. Entertainment could easily be found or conjured up, on other occasions it was provided for us e.g. the regular jumble sales which were held across the road at St Hilda's Church Hall.These were crowded affairs and good fun. Two excellent items which I recall Iain bringing home to 6/2 were a bagatelle set and a savings bank.
To operate the bank a coin was placed in the figure's hand-the arm would raise upwards, placing the money into the mouth to be swallowed up into the bank-as this happened the eyes would blink.
These two items could be said to sum up jumble sales-you pay your money and take your chance!
Imagine what they would sell for now on flog it