If anyone would like a download of The Stair sent to them please let me know. I've managed to download the two hundred or so blogs from the original posts rather than from the blog itself and it's actually come out quite nicely-there are around 350 pages-I still however have to add in several thousands of comments to the appropriate post-I'll do that next week when I return from a visit to Edinburgh this weekend-by the way amongst other venues I'm at The Chocolate Tree Bruntsfield on Saturday morning at 10.30 am if anyone fancies a coffee! Later in January I hope to edit and add some further acknowledgements to complete the project. I've had to be careful downloading from the original posts as there are over a dozen drafts that never saw the light of day!
The Hoffster
Missing my daily fix of The Stair! Come on Peter - bring it back , after you've had a well earned rest from it. A weekly blog would be great. There must be so much more that you have still to tell. Particularly love the geographical references as well as the nostalgia and the characters. Never a dull read!