Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Comment From Eric Mullen Re: Moon River, Andy Williams Post 27 September 2012

I seem to remember Andy Williams visiting St Marks Church around about 1980 - I don't know why he would have done this but maybe I am getting senile and it didn't happen. Can anyone confirm? 


  1. hi how about a face book page or group for the stair iam it deserves to reach and entertain more people

    paul kaszynski

  2. there is one Paul, but Peter is rarely on it :(

  3. I remember the Andy Williams visit. My mum made me go down (we stayed in the Green)with her to see him. He did a version of Ave Maria with St. Marks kids doing the chorus, for a programme called "Christmas In Scotland" (I think) with Johnny Cash.

    I think at the time I was surprised how few people attended. The producers/directors/whoever arranged the seating so the first few rows were full, then as you moved back towards the door, the rows shortened so the last few had only 2 or 3 people. When I seen the show on TV, the place looked heaving! My mum was well chuffed though seeing this big American Star. And she still lives up the hill.
