Thursday, 4 February 2016

Mystery-Oxgangs; Comiston; Dreghorn?

I've attached some great photographs from a Ray Nimmo with the added bonus of a mystery/puzzle-trust it will generate much heat and even some light! It's from 1955/1956 and features Sandy, Amy Louisa & Carol Gay Nimmo harvesting in their Market Garden. Ray is not quite sure if it was in Oxgangs, Comiston, etc.-my initial thought is either Comiston or Dreghorn? 

Here's some extracts from Ray's e mail; ' me to locate the site of the walled garden that I spent the first five years of my living beside in a small bungalow.  It was owned by my parents at the time who tried unsuccessfully to run it as a 'market garden' and was sold on for development about 1959 (but did not make my parents wealthy!!).  

Try as I might, I cannot pin its exact location down.  My wife and I have recently come full circle back to Edinburgh after a life of moving all over the UK and now live in retirement in Greenbank. I am trying to get a better grip on my family history and locating this old garden is part of that search.  I attach the only photos that I have of the garden and as you can see it was quite substantial so it must have been associated with a large house back in the day (which may be the one at the back of the photo but I cannot recall it from my childhood).  It was near Oxgangs Farm (I recall helping the farmer sow crops sitting on the back of his tractor's seed drill (strictly verboten now!!) and watching the cows being milked).  Also the Oxgangs shopping precinct was relatively nearby and in the process of being built. Any information or help that you might have would be much appreciated.'

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