
'And finally, not everyone’s being doing topical. In fact, here’s the rather lovely 6 Oxgangs Avenue devoted to the history of the development of the area, this week highlighting how the block of flats came into being. Could have been prompted by Who do you think you are? Or just a timely reminder that not everything worth blogging about is in the here and now.'

Kate Higgins, Scottish Roundup 26/08/2012

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Braidburn Valley 1936

For anyone who missed this post yesterday by 'Lost Edinburgh' here's a re-post of David McLean's vignette and Mrs Elcock's charming photie:
'Braidburn Valley Park looking towards Pentland Hills, 1936. This view is looking in a southerly direction towards Oxgangs Farm - the council estate was still another 20 years away. Apart from the odd cottage or farmhouse, it was mostly green fields from here all the way to the foot of the Pentlands.When this photo was taken Braidburn Valley Park marked the edge of the city boundary. There are also tramcars running up and down Comiston Road!
Thank you to Mike Elcock, whose mother took this photo from her bedroom at 1 Greenbank Crescent.

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